Klebtechnische Seminare von DELO in Ihrer Region
Wissen schafft Vorsprung
DELO Academy Programm 2019
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
auch im neuen Jahr bietet die DELO Academy wieder spannende Seminare und Webinare rund um Hightech-Klebstoffe und deren Anwendungsmöglichkeiten an.
Ihr digitales Wissenspaket
Grundlagen der Klebtechnik | 16.01.2019
Oberflächenvorbehandlung | 24.01.2019 und
Schnelle Prozesse | 14.02.2019
Theoretisches Wissen mit praktischer Umsetzung
Grundlagen der Klebtechnik | 28.+ 29.01.2019
Oberflächenvorbehandlung | 30.+ 31.01.2019
Neu: Englischsprachige Webinare 2019
High strength and high reliability
Process advantages of heat-curing adhesives | February 19, 2019 
Adhesive joints are often subjected to high forces and/or demanding aging requirements. High-performance structural adhesives meet all these requirements. The free webinar gives an overview of various adhesive types and their process advantages.
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Heat-curing below 80°C (176 °F)
Process advantages and applications | March 20, 2019 
Standard epoxies cure at e.g. +130 °C (+266 °F) and above, which may harm temperature-sensitive components. The special, very low-temperature products developed by DELO can be cured at temperatures as low as +60 °C (+140 °F). The free webinar presents process advantages and application areas of these adhesives.
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Adhesives in e-mobility
Latest technologies for applications in electric motors | March 28, 2019 
With increasing demand for electric motors, assembly processes have to be optimized to maximize UPH as well as bonding reliability. Learn more about the latest adhesive developments and how light-curing processes can help decrease cycle times
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Dispensing technology
Fast and precise application of adhesives 
For adhesive processes, users can choose from a wide variety of dispensers. Giving a brief overview of different dispensing technologies, this free webinar focuses on contactless jetting, the fastest adhesive dispensing method. Please, write us for
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Wir wünschen spannende Neuigkeiten für 2019!
Ihr DELO Academy Team
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